Back to work again and what a prospect of exciting developments.  We are going to visit Dee Blick ( next week and we hope she will be able to help us set up a marketing strategy for all our activities, which if successful will certainly be a first!

We are doing three sets of planning for the primary school in Tipton,  Dungeons and Dragons (year1 and 2 phase),  African Adventure (year 3 and 4 phase), Explosive Earth (year 5 and 6).  The 10 week topics will start in the second week of term and so the pressure is on, but the good news is that as a result of their recent Ofsted the school have timetabled some extra sessions for their cross-curricular topic work.

We have great responses from the new Gambian contacts and the preparations for the study visit in April are well advanced with some 18 people signed up including heads, deputies, teachers, governors and even a representative from a PTA.  We will not close the list until the end of January so if you are interested please get in touch  quickly.

We are in contact with our Indian partners at the Sangam centre near Bangalore ( and hopefully we will be working on the Raji’s India project in 2013.

Now there is a possibility that we may be distributing some of our reading books in Poland, so watch this space.