India Photopack ready at last

  At last the India Photopack is now published and for sale. There are 28 photos and maps including a blank map of India for photocopying. The aim is to stress the diversity of India in terms of environment, climate and human and economic geography.  It has...

Images and Artefacts

B&C resources are normally produced as a result of our own visits, experiences and efforts.  I am currently producing an photopack on ‘India’ to complement our other resources on India which include Images in and around Chembakolli and an Indian...

Dee Covets Kettles!

B and C have been very busy in the second half of January. Our visit to the marketing gym and Dee Blick was exciting, eye opening and hard work! (  We feel we learnt so much and have already hired two Girl Fridays to work on our tactical...

Happy New Year

Back to work again and what a prospect of exciting developments.  We are going to visit Dee Blick ( next week and we hope she will be able to help us set up a marketing strategy for all our activities, which if successful will certainly be a...

Gambia and Back with 84 plastic kettles

We are just back from our week revisiting The Gambia with friends and family.  We were busy, so busy; we were making new contacts, buying resources for our African Locality Packs (see, developing new opportunities for the primary...

Gambia again

27 November 2012 Pam and I are very close to our departure to The Gambia for a week during which we will buy the stock that we need to keep the African Locality Packs authentic .  We are making lists and gestimating  quantities and are in contact with our ‘product...

The next adventures

Pam and I are currently developing our marketing strategy, but not most exciting news but nonetheless very necessary.  We are planning a mail shot  to hit half the schools in England in January 2013.  There will be special country packages of our educational materials...

Hello blogging world!

Our new blog is now live! We look forward to keeping you updated on the developments and adventures. For more information please visit our website. You will see our products and teaching aids listed under each country. Go on, have a quick look now 🙂